Written By: Sara Ledesma
In Other Words…Our Energy Crisis is a Crisis of Conscience - The energy issue is this country has primarily been framed as one of renewable and green vs. unsustainable and “dirty”. Whichever side of the debate you land on, both exist within an unquestioned paradigm of pay-for-use. Whether your energy comes from windmills, or your local gas and power companies, you are charged by a company that provides that energy to you for a profit. The only alternative to this current structure being solar energy, which has such high installation costs, it is not an option for most households. So the discussion rages on: can coal be a “clean” energy source, is dependence on oil a greater security threat than terrorism, will cap and trade raise energy costs during an already stressed economy, how many jobs will renewable energy create, has oil production reached its peak?
The environmental costs, national security and the economy, dominate the debate. But no one talks about free energy. In fact, I’m sure you never even heard of Nicola Tesla, Steorn Ltd., Brian Appel and his revolutionary facility, or the Lutec company. But not to worry, there is an excellent reason you are uniformed of these visionary engineers and their paradigm shifting, or more aptly, paradigm revolutionizing and restructuring, work in the field of energy. The reason being: they would forever abolish the current system by which oil and energy companies rake in billions to provide you and your family with metered lights, heat and power.
“But nothing is free”, you protest. How could a light cast it’s illuminating glow, how could my TV provide endless content on demand and my computer perform limitless functions on command, and not accrue a monetary balance? Doesn’t this power require lines, laid for miles upon miles, like durable veins pulsating underground, pumping energy into my home? Do these veins not require construction and maintenance and replacing every now and then? Is there not a hub where all this power is generated that directs the flow to every business, agency and home? It must take a battalion of trained workers to deliver the life giving nectar that invigorates our modern appliances and technology, the basis of our modern lives! Surely this energy nucleus that powers entire cities must be expensive to control and maintain? How could anyone get such a thing at no cost?
Ready to be shocked and awed in 3…2...1…the knowledge and technology to transmit free power to every home around the world has existed since before you and I were born. And that’s not all, the technology to run a vehicle motor on only water and to turn garbage and sewage (as in the refuse smothering landfills, polluting our oceans and seeping into our drinking supply) into an energy source is now available…and in use. Generators using magnetic motors, capable of running your household or small business without oil and for a mere fraction of the cost, are available for sale now.
The transmission of wireless energy was the invention of obsessed engineer and genius inventor Nicola Tesla. His inventions are as instrumental to American industrialization as those of Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison. His patented inventions include: remote control and robotics (so ahead of his time it would take decades before people understood how to apply them), AC current (replacing Thomas Edison’s costly DC method and revolutionizing industrialization), cellular technology, x-rays, neon, radio transmission, and the modern motor (still the basis of what we use a hundred years later). Nicola had ideas so visionary and original he would eventually be granted 112 patents.
Nicola Tesla was born in Serbia in 1856. After completing degrees in mechanical and electrical engineering, Tesla worked for electric power companies in Germany and France. At age 28 he jumped the pond to the US to pursue his greatest obsession yet: the wireless transmission of energy.
Tesla began working with Edison, who he hoped could be the one to make his vision a reality. We will never what these two men of genius could have accomplished together, since Edison came to see Tesla as a rival, when Tesla’s AC current replaced his own DC, and kicked Tesla out of his lab.
Tesla dug ditches by day, and created inventions that would help navigate the course of the future, by night. As soon as he was able to secure investors, he was back in the lab full-time.
With the finacial backing of George Westinghouse and his Westinghouse Corporation, Tesla cemented his role in bringing about the industrial revolution in the US. Tesla’s revolutionary AC current design allowed Westinghouse to beat out General Electric (which was utilizing Edison’s costlier DC design) to illuminate the first electrical fair in history, The Chicago World’s Fair of 1893. Twenty seven million people watched Presdient Cleveland illuminate an entire city with the push of one button. Tesla become an instant celebrity among the eductated and elite. He could now secure an investor for his greatest dream, the wireless transmission of energy.
Tesla had a few setbacks, including a lab fire which destroyed most of his work. This allowed Marconi, an Italian engineer working with Edison and backed by the financial support of Andrew Carnegie, to win the race to be the first to transmit and receive signals across the Atlantic ocean. The competive pioneer that he was, Tesla had desired to be the first to transmit a transatlantic signal and make history as the person who created a worldwide communication system. But Tesla was not easily discouraged. He rebuilt his lab and shrugged off Marconi’s triumph by saying: “Marconi is a good fellow. Let him continue. He is using seventeen of my patents.”
From the transmission of that first wireless electrical signal, Tesla made the mental leap to energy, transmitted worldwide, accessible to every househould, free of charge. He needed enough money to build a giant tower capable of generating enough energy to make his dream of free energy to all a reality. He tapped the deep pockets of one J.P. Morgan (even back then the Moragn of today’s Morgan Stanley was running Wall Street). Tesla tantalized Morgan with a grandiose proposal to build a “world system” of wireless communications that would relay news, music, private conversation, secure military communication, up to date stock market reports, and even photos. No doubt Morgan thought it sounded more like science fiction than actual science! Tesla promised Morgan that, “When wireless is fully applied the earth will be converted into a huge brain, capable of response in every one of its parts”. Morgan must have salivated at the potential for global profits generating exponentially.
Tesla, however, had a different vision. He put Morgan’s money to work building a giant tower that would demonstrate electrical transmission without wires, capable of providing unlimited power freely accessible by everyone. Tesla’s tower, named Wardenclyffe, rose 187 feet in the air and held a fifty-five-ton sphere made of steel at the top. Beneath the tower, a 120 foot pipe plunged into the earth. Beyond that, were sixteen iron pipes for currents to pass through and grab hold of the earth. Tesla said his tower would seize the earth “so that the whole of this globe can quiver."
So, why don’t we have free energy today courtesy of a prophetic genius with a dream of using science to help the world? Morgan had no interest in energy he couldn’t meter. Making profits by selling energy had been his entire motive for his investiment. Morgan pulled the plug on Tesla, throwing him into financial ruin. Moragn then went a step further and ensured unlimited energy, free of charge, would never be a reality. By using his far-reaching political and business influence, he black-balled Tesla completely. He crushed Tesla, along with every hope for world-wide, free energy, for all. Not surprisingly, Tesla never recovered. A mental breakdown followed his financial one. One of the greatest, most revolutionary minds of our time died in 1943, nearly penniless. After his death, government officials seized all of Tesla’s research. Morgan’s good friend , J. Edgar Hoover, apparently shared his disinterest in a system of free energy, unmetered by business and unregulated by the government.
If you are a fan of Sci-fi movies or books, then you are already aware of the theory: They who control the energy and natural resources, control the populations of the world. Is it any wonder oil and gas companies have such influence in our government that they have kept us from heading down a more renewable energy source, cheaper, cleaner and more stable than the status quo? How amazing would it be if we could power a car motor on nothing but water? At least until water becomes so scarce that we begin to support repressive regimes, fight endless wars and spend billions of dollars to procure a steady supply, it would be a perfect solution. Right now water is abundant, it comes out of our taps, and has an efficient delivery system that is already in use.
Next shocking twist coming your way now…since 1988 water-powered motors have existed.
Stan Meyers created his water powered motor and probably expected to be the next Edison. Instead, he was to be the next Tesla. Once the local media covered his invention Stan was contacted by the Pentagon. Stan was told they were sending out a Colonel to look at his motor because they were interested in possibly using his technology to run their tanks. Being the dutiful American Stan was, he welcomed the military. Stan must have swollen with pride to imagine his technology helping the brave soldiers fighting for the country he loved. After the meeting, Stan Meyers was no longer able to secure any funding for his motors. Hmmmm.
The history of science is riddled with examples of alternative science and medicine being co-opted when they threaten the status quo. The history of politics is ripe with examples of policy being directed by corporate interests and intelligence agencies serving their own agendas with the powers they are bestowed in order to protect and serve. From that viewpoint, the following technologies in existence today, available on a mass level to every American if politics and energy billionaires would allow it, are not so shocking.
In 2006, Sean McCarthy went on Fox news to invite the entire scientific community to examine the method of free energy his company Steorn Ltd. had developed. He wanted legitimate reviews by his peers of the new wave of technology which would power everything from cell phones to cars, for free, producing no pollution at all, and utilizing less toxic batteries than those currently in use. This was huge, revolutionary, would change the course of our industrial development and help rid our environment of harmful toxins. I try to be an optimist, but I’m not surprised that once again, free energy did not go over well.
A 400 billion dollar secret is a large one to keep. But when free energy is involved, things find a way of staying under wraps. 2008 marked the year a genius new technology was put into use making waste, that smelly trash you and I put on the curb so it can be transported to a dump somewhere out of sight and out of mind, into oil and gas (that stuff we spend billions on and conduct wars over).
Brian Appel and his company have a plant in Philadelphia that breaks down solid waste and extracts the carbon to make oil and gas that can power our cars and trucks! Garbage from landfills is broken down to a molecular level into three parts: oil, gas and solid. Garbage is ground down, water is added, and it is pressure-cooked using heat and a pump. Through this process, solids are transformed into oil, gas, and water. In a distillation tank the water and oil are separated, with the water sinking to the bottom, the gas floating up above and the oil suspended in the middle. Once the water is removed, viola, gas and oil are left. It can be pumped into a diesel engine right out of the machine.
The scientific name for the process is thermal deposionization, but the principle is simple: clean up the earth AND make gas and oil cheap, here at home, in the good ‘ol US of A. Brian and his team complete in minutes what the earth takes thousands of years to accomplish. They based their method on the natural process by which the earth makes the oil we find miles under the surface.
Making fuel from the foulest of waste and sewage is nothing short of brilliant! Why is this not on every news channel and in every classroom? Apel recently built a second facility in Carthage, Missouri. This 20 million dollar facility is capable of digesting 200 tons of turkey waste and coming out with oil. From 6 billion tons of agricultural waste, this facility can produce 4 billion barrels of oil a year. Incredibly, that is what we import in one year! Oil from turkey waste, agricultural waste, sewage and trash is cheap, easy, and done right here in the U.S. The oil crisis is over! National security problem solved. Someone please tell General McChrystal about this…NOW.
Lutec is a company, out of Australia, selling electric generators with magnetic motors able to provide clean, green energy. One generator can produce enough energy to run an entire household or small business. The technology to power a generator without oil is here and available to anyone with access to an Internet connection. For that clean energy enthusiast on your holiday list, you can purchase one at www.lutec.com.au/
The grave environmental, economic, political and social cost of our dependence on oil and gas is astronomical. Our greatest scientific and political minds are in a tailspin formulating plans and policies to convert to domestic, cleaner, sustainable energy sources. Or at least that is how the media and our government portray the issue. But well documented facts and technologies already in use, show the answers are already in our midst. Domestic, clean, and renewable energy are easily available for mass consumption and use. Why fight over clean vs. dirty coal and the environmental cost of drilling in pristine landscapes, when we can make oil out of garbage, run vehicle motors on batteries or water and power our homes and business with solar, wind and magnetic power?
In other words, our real energy crisis is the refusal of our political and corporate business leaders to facilitate the change from oil and gas to clean, renewable, and even free, energy. It is a crisis of conscience that energy that is beneficial to the health of our planet, the security of our country, and the well-being of humanity as a whole, is being buried so corporations can continue to excavate enormous profits from our current energy paradigm.
Our Energy Crisis is a Crisis of Conscience
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Our Energy Crisis is a Crisis of Conscience
CWG, Inc.
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Our Energy Crisis is a Crisis of Conscience
CWG, Inc.
chicks with guns|liberal bias|sara ledesma|
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